DSC03783.JPGThe choir was formed in 2005 as a one-off group, consisting of friends of Simon Filsell. The original concert raised funds for the organ appeal at the church where he had been Head Chorister – Holy Trinity, Coventry. He got in touch with another former midlands choirboy, Nigel Short, who generously agreed to conduct, and Simon’s brother, Jeremy Filsell, who played the organ.

After the tremendous success of the first concert, and subsequent persuasion, it was decided we would establish ourselves as a purely fundraising group, dedicated to using the enjoyment of the highest-quality singing, in prestigious venues, for entirely charitable purposes.

With no fees payable to the singers, we keep our costs to an absolute minimum. Any costs are taken out of ticket sales.  We can design the posters and programmes and obtain cheap printing deals.  We look to the charity to help take on the securing of a venue – hopefully at minimal cost.  Through sponsorship in kind, we endeavour to cover the accommodation costs of the singers, many of whom are travelling significant distances to sing.  Our aim is to help raise the profile of the charity and provide a VIP invitation opportunity, whilst raising funds.

Some of the charities who have benefited from our performances: